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Download Programs to Help Improve Your Listening Experience with ACB Radio

In order to listen to ACB Radio you will need a player.
On most windows based computers windows media is the default player.
However, if you want an alternative player we have a couple for you!
We have winamp and foobar2000.
You can download either of these programs for free.
We will look at adding players for the mac in the near future.

Also we have the new and improved ACB Radio Tuner!

Be sure to download the latest version of the tuner so that you will be able to listen to all seven streams.
The tuner makes it easy to switch between ACB Radio streams just like changing the station on a regular radio.
The tuner is compadible with windows 2000, xp, vista, windows 7, windows 8, windows 8.1 and windows 10.
The tuner will not work on windows 95, 98, 98 se or me.